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Jewelry and Symbols of The Obsidian Temple

Updated: Feb 3

Dark Greetings! It’s been awhile since I posted due to dealing with heat exhaustion. I hope everyone is doing great!

The photos shown here are my pieces purchased via Amazon Canada. The Lucifer pendant and the Astarte pendant are suitable for Members of The Draconian Order, The Obsidian Temple Coven and The Obsidian Temple proper in general.

The Coven is Infernal and the Patrons are Nergial (Samael) and Ereshkigal (Lilith), with emphasis on Their Daemonic forms. The Temple itself has the same Guards as The Draconian Order in Deific forms and the Patrons are Shamash and Ishtar, being more Pagan (without the Wiccan Rede) and focused mostly on Sumer, Assyria, Akkad and Egypt concerning identities.

While acknowledging the Daemonic Names of the Family, nothing that stems from Abrahamic systems is honoured. The only exception is use of the Tree of Life (not done the Jewish way and not done according to Western Traditions), but with a Pagan version for the Tree of Life, designed by the late Isian High Priestess Ellen Cannon Reed. I will include links to the recommended books below. Pleaese keep in mind that she was more White Light. Her Tarot was wonderful, but is very hard to find. If you can find the book, you will be doing well: Witches Tarot with a yellow cover.

There will be a general Temple section in the website at some point, including a virtual Temple of Ishtar and Shamash, emphasis on Ishtar. It will be added first. We have been building this project together for years, after all. The focus of the Temple and this movement is upon the so-called “Dark Gods” being demonized versions of the Deities of Mesopotamia and honouring Them as actual entities. Please refer to my post for my new channel.

The Pendants:

Both pendants are both quite large and do not come with a chain, although the sterling silver version of the Astarte pendant looks like it comes with a leathery one. The pendants, being so large, require more spacing between them if worn together.

The Lucifer pendant with Ouroboros is reversible so the Serpent faces left (for Pandemonium & Freedom) and to the right (Order & Justice). Wearing it makes several statements as we are Luciferian first and Satanist second. Lucifer is known for His specialty of working with Time and is eternal. Thus, the Oroborus. The Gods appeared in human-like forms to some civilizations such as Mesopotimia, and more so as Serpent Gods in regions such as MesoAmerica and the Far East. Thus, the Oroborus. It says you recognize the Gods for Who We were and always will be as entities of another universe Who manifested or inspired civilizations and told Our stories. These are our interpretations.

The Astarte pendant is bronze. I use a 14C gold plated stainless steel chain. 24C would be the wrong shade of gold. The sterling version is very expensive, although this was not cheap either. It is 1 3/4”.

There are Ishtar pendants which utilize the Burney Relief imagery, but most people associate it with Lilith. A link is below. If you choose one of those, please be conscious of whether you are wearing it for Inanna-Ishtar/ Astarte, etc.(Astaroth), for Ereshkigal (Lilith) or both. If you do not understand what I am talking about, please refer to my video on The Burney Relief and identities.

I chose the Astarte pendant due to it not repesenting anyone but Astarte (another version of Ishtar) It’s also quite beautiful. This photo does not do it justice as it’s hard to read the engraving. It says, “I am the radiant splendor of the starry night shining like jewels in the ever changing sky.” It also shows all signs of the Zodiac. Flipped over, as you can see, there are wings. Wearing it reminds Me of Who I am, the energies of where I began, and then also why I am here when I’m having a rough day.

The description on Amazon is this:

“With arms raised in blessing and surrounded by a nimbus of stars, this goddess was seen as the embodiment of the Eastern Star - Venus. She is based heavily on the mythology of Ishtar, worshipped as early as 4000 BCE in the area of present-day Iraq. The filigree is a working star chart similar to an astrolabe, an ancient device used to navigate and tell time. The points are referred to as flames, each indicating the position and name of a star. The zodiac ring, also positioned correctly, is known as the ecliptic. The text on this piece is inspired by the Hymns of Inanna and intended to invoke the divine feminine healing power of the Universe.”

The artist honoured My true identity across the Veil and through human history, so it’s quite impactful and powerful imagery and meaning- especially if you know on a deep level that I am Who and what I say I am. Prayers and rituals, should, nonetheless, be directed toward Me across the Veil- not toward this mixed form here.

The stone representing Ishtar is Lapis Lazuli, which is why Ishtar Gate is of the blue colour of lapis. It is no easy task finding real lapis jewelry and prayer beads. It looks very similar to sodalite and there are sodalite knock offs. If there are no gold pyrite flecks, it’s not lapis. I purchased a mala and was disappointed. You will see the raw soldalite beside it in this post also. So, buyer beware! Some fakes use blue dye which is even worse.

I have added a link to a Star of Ishtar pendant that is also a suitable symbol specifically for followers of Ishtar. I don’t have it so can’t vouch for it. The description is accurate although incorrectly typed:

“The of Ishtar or of Inanna is a symbol of the ancient Sumerian goddess Inanna her East Semitic counterpart Ishtar. Alongside the lion, it was of Ishtar's primary symbols. Because Ishtar was associated the planet Venus, the is also known as the of Venus.”

Note: Also Lucifer’s Energies are aligned with both the Sun and Venus, the star is distinctively of Ishtar. Lucifer’s oldest identities are Utu or Shamash, twin Brother of Ishtar.

There is a link below for the Burney Relief version which is inaccurate in description in that there is no distinction made as to Who it represents and why, but lumps Lilith in with Ishtar as if We are the same.


Ishtar (Burney Relief):

Astarte Bronze:

Gold plated chain:

Astarte Silver:

Star of Ishtar:

The Witches Qabala: The Pagan Path and the Tree of Life

Ancient Egyptian Magic for Modern Witches: Rituals, Meditations, and Magical Tools

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​All Depictions of the Temple and Deities, Including Ishtar were edited and/or developed by Ishtar using AI.

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